
Seeing Red or Being in the Pink

It's brand new month - whoo hoo! Spring is around the corner which means I will be planting seeds, seeds, seeds! Seeds for veggies, herbs and flowers! Today is also the start of Project Spectrum, the brainchild of Lolly. March is the month of red and pink. The pink would make certain people I know very very happy (you know who you are). Project Spectrum is about celebrating colour and acknowledging it's intrinsic importance in our lives. Our language is rife with colour; seeing red, being in the pink. Red is the colour of passion, of love, of anger - it is associated with intensity and a lack of money (or debt! when you are in the red). Tastes of red include burgundys, merlots and a great bottle of Shiraz, cinnamon hearts, strawberries, beets and raw meat - what a range! Red is a colour that takes no prisoners, it hits you like a punch, it is vibrant and the colour primarily associated with Christmas. Red happens to be Nick's favourite colour and for those of you who know Nick, this colour suits him to a tee! In my mind's eye I can visualize the colour red in every season; a crisp red MacIntosh on a cool fall day, the red leaves of a burning bush, the vibrant red of cranberries and mistletoe berries in the winter, red tulips in Spring and the vibrant reds of poppies, peonies and tomatoes in my summer garden. Pink is the colour of happy, lighthearted and gay - pink is not a colour one would ever associate with anything other than positive and hopeful. The tastes of pink include lemonade, sweet grapefruit, bubble gum, cotton candy and okay Pepto Bismal (but it is supposed to be a healing experience!). Pink is a colour I associate with Carnivals, Girly Girls and the Candy Store. Pink looks great on men. Pink is joyful and hugable. My goals for Project Spectrum are going to be primarily knitting. I am going to seed with colours in mind (this month the red and pink that will be in my garden this summer). I will cook with a mind to colour and I might even do some beading. As I was taking pictures for my blog I noticed the presence of red....

I got two bags from Make One Yarn Studio yesterday. They rock! The Knitter's Purse (hey, in RED) and the Messenger Bag from Jordana Paige. They are both beautiful and functional. The bonus was free shipping and no GST. You rock Amy! Make One has so many wonderful yarns and products - their classes make me wish I was living in Calgary! This is one funky and hip place to be.

I must admit that it is hard to have so many stores that I love to shop at; they all have so much great stuff - I fear I will have to spread the spending around - tee hee!

My knitting goals this month are to finish my Stornoway. Even though it doesn't seem like it in this picture the colour of the yarn is Claret (definitely a red although not picked with Project Spectrum in mind). I will republish this photo again in a much better light! I am also going to knit a pair of red socks (pattern to be determined) and bead myself a red/pink goddess. On the not red/pink side, I have some objects to finish (I am thinking the Entrelac Bag and my felted tea cozy). I have my Country Socks to complete, the Norweigans to start and my Sockapalooza sock to begin. I would like to finish my mom's Four Panel Jacket which is certainly not red. But the red/pink will be there and each day I will find a way to honour and create some mindfulness around the colours of this month. I am loving March already!


Samantha said...

Red and pink are both quite dynamic colours ... March is going to be a gorgeous month. It will look great with all this snow we're getting. *lol*

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Saw your link on Anny's blog and thought I would stop in to say hello.

I'm in Project Spectrum too, and have started a pair of red socks as well as a red scarf...not sure what I'll do with pink, or if I will get to do anything pink...we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Hurray for PINK. Hurray for spring. Hurray for flowers. Hurray for my wonderful blogging knitting friend.

Reading you blog really gives me inspiration. Love those bags ..... going to check out the web site now.

Stay in the pink and I sure hope Ed and Nick feel better soon.