
My Tea Swap Pal ROCKS!!!!!

I received this in the mail today. It was a parcel from my tea swap pal Allison. The funny thing is that when I saw the box the return address was from Simply Socks Yarn Company and I was trying to remember if I had purchased something from them (not that this would be surprising for me - I could claim it is my cognitive fatigue but I think it has more to do with my shopping habits...LOL). The parcel was amazing. Lots of tea....lots and lots of tea and in varieties that I am going to enjoy; decaf darjeeling, decaf apricot, honeybush caramel, white tangerine, tropical green and earl grey lavender and a tea called sow mee white which totally intrigues me and I will be trying tomorrow. There was also a tea infuser, gourmet hot chocolate and a bar of Ghirardelli Expresso Escape (not sure if I will be able to indulge in this as the caffeine in the espresso beans might put me over the edge). Oh...and there were cookies; Walkers Shortbread - yummy! However, the best parts were the following: 2 skeins of Lorna's Laces (I looooooove Lorna's Laces) in Apricot, a colour which was dyed just for Allison's company (at the time of her mailing this no one else had it yet - I was the first!) and this ceramic mug. Talk about making a girl feel special! The ceramic mug. Allison's husband Joseph, created this ceramic mug for me and fired it in a wood kiln he made for the University for Saint Francis (he teaches there and is a ceramic artist). Oh my god - that is all I kept thinking; first when I opened the wrapping and saw the mug and then when I read Allison's lovely note. The thoughfulness and personal touch that was put into this package is really quite touching. The mug was made just for me. I am gobsmacked. I have already had tea in it twice; it is so perfect. NO ONE in my house will be touching this mug but me (Ed is quite taken with the mug - quite taken). Allison, the mere words of thank you seem totally inadequate. I am really touched. This was such a wonderful package and I feel quite blessed to have been the recipient. Thank you. P.S. I did put in a little order for some Lorna's Laces tonight...LOL.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that is indeed a fabulous gift! The ceramic mug made just for you, the special yarn, and all the teas. It's so lovely I could cry.

Miss Scarlett said...

That is wonderful! It couldn't be given to a nicer person. Enjoy your tea in your gorgeous mug.

Anonymous said...

I can see why Ed is taken with your mug!! It looks like its the perfect mug, I'm loving the colors! Of both the mug and your new yarn. Looks like Alison sent you a fab package : )

Anonymous said...

Ooohh! I'm so glad you like everything! I'm going to show Joe your post tonight, as I know he'll like hearing that you enjoy what he made for you.
You never know if the package you put together for someone (you have never met) will be enjoyed, but I read through your blog and tried my best. I look forward to getting to know you better, now that I'm no longer "secret."

Teyani said...

that mug is so cool -it just begs to be filled with a cuppa tea, to sit with while you knit ! and what a gorgeous color in Lorna's Laces. Leave it to Allison to send such an amazing gift. I am glad that she spoiled you, you deserve it!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Oh wow, how wonderful! Tea, cookies & yarn ... what could be better?

Suzie said...

I am so glad that you got spoiled rotten! You deserve it!!