First I have to say thank you! The knitting community is amazing. So many people have volunteered to knit squares for Grace and continue to do so!
I have had several questions so I thought I would put them all in one place.
5" squares in soft wool or cotton in ANY pattern is perfect. I am thinking if I get the squares by the end of the month I will then put it together (is there some irony in the fact that this "I hate to sew" knitter is taking on this project? LOL ! I can do this for Grace) I know we have seen this photo but it is my favourite!
2. When signing up make sure I have your email so that I can send you my snail mail address. If you have signed up and you haven't heard from me, email me at
cynicked@sympatico.ca so that I can get you my address.
Amanda kindly made a button (on my sidebar) - please feel free to take it! Thanks Amanda; it is really beautiful!
4. When sending your square please send a blank postcard from where you hail. I want to photograph each square and paste the photo on the back with the knitter. This will be a great way for Grace and her parents to understand where all the squares are coming from (and I am going to make a little scrapbook type binder to hold them all!).
5. Please put a note in for Grace if you want. While she may not comprehend it all right now; she will in the future and I am sure that her parents will keep the notes in her memory box.
6. About Grace - she loves Barbie, flowers, jewellry, painting her nails and chicken fingers. She is all about anything girlie girl, teddy bears and cuddly things. She has a very sweet laugh and a soft little voice. She is absolutely in love with Nick.
7. I know that there will be more than enough squares for one blanket. So I will keep putting together what I get (with what I make - even Nick is volunteering to make a square or two); I know that there are other little girls in need - whether at the Children's Cancer Center where Grace is or somewhere else (if you know of someone email me!). I will be in touch with my brother and his wife to find out if there is a another little girl they know of.
My plan is to make the blanket bright and colourful in all shades of girly pink and maybe even some purples. I hope to knit some flowers and applique where appropriate. I am researching my edging.
Carole O Clowe, one my knitting buddies, summed it up best when she emailed me: "We are all Embracing Grace - we are all joining together to embrace her with warmth, love and strength." As knitters we know better than anyone else the power of what we create. Regardless of who we knit for I think we knit miracles. I am glad that Grace is on our list right now! Thank you.
Oh those eyes! She's gorgeous! Pink squares comming up.
I saw a post about this on clothesknit and I would love to help. Please count me in.
I re-sent the email ... did you get it?? LOL
I would love to help out and knit a square, but I would also like to donate some yarn to you. Ever since flash your stash, I have realized I'd rather find a good home for my stash than let it sit. If you go to my blog, www.knitandthecity.blogspot.com, in the April 1st post, if you scroll down to a huge lot of pink and purple cotton (Leila), I'd love to send it to you if you like it. Just email me and let me know!
Here is my email address: milotis78@rogers.com
I can do a square or so - I've got an extra ball of Stork sitting about looking lonely. kitfinn@cox.net
I can't resist those eyes. I've already cast on for my square.
Cynthia, this is such a thoughtful and heartwarming project. I'd like to contribute too. My email address is annypurls (at) hotmail (dot) com
I saw Vicki's post about Warming Grace, and was moved to join in right away. I lost my own brother in 1962 and am immensely grateful that medicine has come so far and can give Grace much better odds. Wish I were closer to help sew; maybe you can throw a sewing party?
Count me in for a pink square!
The name Grace (also my daughters name) suits her perfectly, and her face, so angelic.
Count me in!
Please count me in, I would absolutely love to help.
Please count me in too!
I'll love to help -- I am from Singapore. My email addy is handworks@gmail.com
Knittymama, I need your email address so that I can email you my snail mail address! Please email me! Thanks
I'm happy to make a square or two. Anything to help Grace.
I'd love to make a square or two for Grace. What a beautiful little girl! Please count me in. lkwillis (at) earthlink.net
Count me in as well!!! She is gorgeous! I have lots of soft pink cotton that I have been saving....for what? Now I know. :0) oboechik@hotmail.com
I'm off to buy some yarn.
I heard about the project at Blogging Baby and am off to spread the word.
count me in for a square..
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